Prayer Spaces in Schools

Prayer Spaces in Schools is an amazing charity and resource that have all the resources you need to plan and deliver a safe and creative spiritual development opportunity for children and staff in your local school. And we can help you get started!

Prayer and reflection spaces are a place for children to have time to think about themselves, the world and God. They are an invitational space to learn about ideas of Christian prayer, and consider their own ideas about God and the world.

There is no set way to run a prayer space, so it can often depend on your available time and space. Typically, they take place over a week so that all the children in a school can visit. Often they are held in the school, perhaps in a classroom, but they can also be hosted in a school library, in the church space, or even in cupboards!

Prayer Spaces have huge impacts on children and staff in school; many of the children who participate say that they feel better just for being there. School staff often comment on the calm atmosphere and engaging activities. After choosing to use a forgiveness themed activity, one 11 year old girl said that the experience helped her to feel better, like “taking off a big heavy coat”.

Mike ran many Prayer and Reflection Spaces in schools during his time working for Church of England Birmingham, and is a regional networker for Prayer Spaces in Schools. If you would like to know more about this engaging and creative way to serve your local school, email Mike to make an appointment.

Head to Prayer Spaces in Schools website to find some more information and explore their prayer resources library.


Pray for your school